Steampunk Jacket: Create seam allowance with Inkscape’s Outset feature

Current code files for Steampunk Jacket are here:’s_Steampunk_Jacket_1870-1900
Once the pattern is generated with the extension steampunk_jacket.inx and all points that aren’t corners and set to auto-smooth.  Set points at the waist line and elbows to symmetrical.
2. set Inkscape Preferences/Steps to 56.25px (5/8″) for Outset to equal a standard seam allowance. the pattern outline
4.copy then paste in place Path/Outset
6. select original pattern outline
7. click on Edit Object’s icon on upper toolbar, set stroke-style to be a dashed line.

These steps will be incorporated into the extension soon, but I’ve got a deadline of this Friday to sew this up, and the pattern’s not completed yet.
Here’s the result:

About Susan

FOSS digital patternmaking developer
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